Short bangs and polka dots

what i wore: polka dot wrap dress from Gap, beacher wedges c/o Blowfish Shoes, terrestrial earrings from Moorea Seal, ring from Forever 21, and Encanto taqua ring from DMAC gift shop



Once again, here is my favorite wrap dress ever! It is just a feel good dress. So as you may know, this will be my 4th day of a juice fast that I am doing. I haven't decided how long it will go, but I'm feeling absolutely amazing right now! You can follow along and view some recipes I've created in the process on instagram, username: meanzchan, or you can also view the photos on Ink 361. I'm well on my way to getting healthy, and I absolutely love this feeling. Oh, and I cut my bangs a little too short the other day, but I actually don't mind how they look. It's new!

What do you think of shorts bangs? Have you ever cut your bangs too short? Stories please!
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