what i wore:
mustard button up sleeveless top from Old Navy
dconstruct resin bangles from DMAC gift shop (similar)
squares bracelet from Forever 21 (similar)
Sailboat print shorts from Old Navy
Twyla Espadrille wedges from Target
Ah, it feels so weird to not have any overbearing tasks this past week. My brother sadly left to go home to North Carolina on Monday, and I've been spending a lot of time at home, working on my shop, designing things, making some art, hanging out with friends, and meeting cats. I've had a really nice week off work, and I feel like I've accomplished a lot. Yet, the house feels so empty without my brother. Anyways, I am trying to milk the last bit of summer I have left before a tough Fall semester! At least I still have a little over a week!
Also, I have some exciting news! I don't know if any of you have heard of Raw. It's an independent community that is run by artists and for artists (read more about it here). There are many locations across the U.S. and just recently they've gone international! Well, on to the news. I got picked to be featured in a showcase on September 14th! I get to showcase some of my artwork in a space of my own, and I seriously cannot wait. It would be awesome if you bought a ticket from me to support me! It's a great opportunity, but I need to sell 20 tickets to stay in the showcase. You can help by just go visit my profile here, and buy a ticket! Thanks!
PS: Don't forget to enter and win a custom made pair of high waist cat tapestry shorts here.
PPS: Did I mention I got featured as a Style Icon on Of Corgis & Cocktails!? Check it out here.