Gauzey Sheer Vintage Dress






what i wore:

Gifted pattern sheer vintage dress (buy similar here)
teal loafers from Maps (buy similar here)
light pink sunglasses from Zara (buy similar here)
tan belt from Target (buy similar here)
lipstick in Girl About Town from MAC (buy here)

I can't believe it's July already, happy July 1st! So, one of my professors gifted me this lovely vintage dress. It's the perfect lightweight summer dress. I love how a different colored slip could change the way this dress looks. I chose to go with black today, and the wonderful teal and blue colors in the patterning pair well with my new loafers I got in China!

I'm still job-hunting. It's a difficult situation - but it'll be worth it in the end right? Social media is also not helping. Although I pride myself in not comparing myself to others, I find it pretty difficult lately. Everytime I see a friend or former classmate get a job, I go into panic mode and I just keep wondering why it's not happening for me. It's not that I haven't worked hard. I've work my ass off these past few years in college, or so I thought. At least I'm able to calm myself down by creating, doing some art commissions and freelance work. I just still wish I had more to do - there's no better time to start new hobbies, right?! Not working and not going to school gives me way too much free time that I just do not want. I'm not giving up though! I'll pull through - I just have to, and I have an interview tomorrow! Wish me luck.

Any tips for a job seeker?

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