How my art has been displayed v2



It makes me so happy to see how others display my art. This is the second edition in this series. The Untitled (quote) print along with another was traded to one of my professors in college. I love his work, and I was so honored that he wanted to do a trade with me.

The Katy Perry Beetle was and insect I drew to be a part of my senior thesis show. I posted it on instagram, and I think Abby fell in love with it. I really enjoy how instagram has allowed my art to be seen. She liked it so much she wanted it on a t-shirt. Now she's the only one that owns this t-shirt at the moment. She does a good job of styling it as well! Oh, did I mention she's an illustrator and has her own etsy shop that I love?

Artists supporting artists!

Eventually, I will post about my own art collection. I would like to get a little more art and have some things framed before I do though.

If you missed the first edition of this series, click here!


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