Hello all, I've got a special treat for you today. The lovely lady behind Body By Svec is going to guest post on my blog! Read her other guest post here. Enjoy!
Hey there gentlemen and lady readers of Koi Story!
Let’s get right to it.
Is it just me or is everyone making babies right now? No I mean it. Have you looked on your facebook feeds recently? It seems like people are either getting hitched, pregnant, or just had a child. My facebook feed is flooded with cuteness right now. I can only guess that baby photographers are striking it rich right now because it really seems to be everywhere lately!
This struck me the other day while I was pondering ways to expand my business. My business, I suppose, can be defined as body painting. However, when I get down to the nitty gritty of WHY I choose to paint bodies as opposed to more traditional things such as canvases, it’s because of the way it makes me feel afterwards, or more specifically, the way I feel because of the way the paint makes another person feel (now that’s a mouthful).
People feel GOOD after they are painted. They feel beautiful, handsome, daring, unconventional. They regard their bodies as an art form.
So what does this have to do with babies? Answer me this, who better to make feel beautiful, handsome, daring, unconventional, than a soon to be mama?
I’m a big believer that a baby’s personality is very much shaped by the way a mother feels while she’s pregnant. What the mother listens to, what she does, what she ingests, and…how she feels about herself! And if that would happen to be “pretty” or “beautiful” well, then, how on earth could that ever negatively effect a baby?
Mother’s have one of the heftiest jobs on the planet. Let’s celebrate that! And how does this Des Moines artist celebrate? With paint. Lot’s of it.
Armed with my cosmetic grade, hypo-allergenic, paraben-free, organic paint and paintbrush, I started seeking out soon to be mama’s (not a hard thing, judging by my facebook feed).
The result was magical. Not only did the ladies love it, but as I was painting…the babies would MOVE. Literally! I’d see little ripples underneath the surface of the skin after I’d finish up something with my paintbrush. Maybe I was tickling them, maybe they were just saying hello, but it really was the most touching thing….“Well, hello there little one!”
“During my 36th week of pregnancy I couldn't have felt more enormous. The personalized belly painting Emily Svec created for me made me feel overwhelmed with joy and beauty. A gift I will treasure always.”
- Rianna Lejune-Copeland
"My body painting experience with Emily Svec during my pregnancy was amazing. Not only did I feel beautiful during a time my body was changing rapidly, I have a creative documentation of the process to share with my child when she is older. Everyone involved in the process was so professional. I recommend this to any woman who is looking for a beautiful way to remember this time in her life.”
- Sarah Johnson
“I loved having my belly painted! It felt like a celebration of my new body and my coming baby. I could have requested what Emily painted, but instead I just let her creativity flow, and I LOVED the results. Now I'll have those pictures forever to honor that stage in my life. Any pregnant woman deserves that.”
- Maya Bromolson
Feel free to visit my webpage for more bellyworks photos! www.BODYBYSVEC.com and just click on the Bellyworks link. If interested in getting YOUR belly painted, or a friend’s, email me at bodybysvec[at]gmail[dot]com! I’d love to discuss a unique celebration of an up and coming life. Until next time Koi Readers…stay fabulous!
Credits //
Painting and post by Emily Svec of Body By Svec
Photos by Olivia Rose
Painted ladies are Maya, Rena and Riana