How my art has been displayed v1



I've had the wonderful opportunity to do some commissions and sell some art locally. I thought it would be cool to see how others have displayed my art in their homes/studios. I think the art that we collect and own says a lot about us as individuals, and I believe that this is a good chance to sneak a peek into the lives of people that enjoy art.

I am also interested in how people in general display their art in their homes and what the art means to them. I hope to take this idea and create another mini series at some point, so if you collect art of any kind, please e-mail me at meanzchan[at]gmail[dot]com with the subject ART COLLECTING if you are interested in being featured or contributing somehow.

The color palettes are plucked from the art itself as well as the spaces in which they are displayed. I think the color relationships between the art and spaces are really interesting.

I am hoping to keep this a regular segment on the blog as long as people keep purchasing my art. I am also continually thinking about selling some of my original artwork on etsy.

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