Favorites Lately v3

This series of gifs. How The Face Changes With Shifting A Light Source. (Anyone know the source of this?)

This awesome image of geometric print/color mixing from All Knit Wear.

These are incredible portraits created out of wire mesh by Seung Mo Park. Click here to view more.

This Pizza Whipped illustration by Wish Candy

This beautiful photo of Audrey Hepburn.

Fashgif is one of my new favorite tumblrs. A majority of the gifs are just strange, but also funny and just plain cool.

Marcel the Shell with Shoes On. I know this has been up for a long time, but my brother just showed me recently! So funny. View the second one here.

This amazing screenprinted cat sweatshirt!

Alone in a Crowd Table by Rolf Sachs.

This upcycled apple computer cat bed from Atomic Attic! Love it.

This gorgeous vintage 1950s red lace party dress.

These adorable heart gloves from Yastik Izi.
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