I'm gonna be owlright

what i wore: fan patterned dress (old) from Francesca's Collections, red boots thrifted, owl ring from garage sale, and claw bracelet from eBay






I feel like I've been breaking out all my Francesca's Collections dresses lately. I got this dress a few years ago. Although it doesn't fit my bust as well anymore, I still love it. This fan pattern is what caught my eye. It's just such a gorgeous print and the colors are wonderful. Oh, and this outfit just screams owls to me. I think the pattern on the dress somewhat resembles feathers, the talon bracelet is very owl-like and of course my owl ring just tops off my owl-inspired outfit. What a hoot!

So, yesterday I made the decision to drop yet another class so that I could only take one. It turns out I didn't even need the one I dropped so it's a win/win situation. Now if only I hadn't dropped my painting class. At least that gives me an excuse and motivation to paint at least one thing this summer, and hopefully more. I'm very thankful for this new found free time. I'm hoping that it gives me the chance to get my etsy shop going again! We shall see.

What do you do with your free time? Do you have any exciting projects you are working on!?
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