what i wore:
vintage strawberry print dress from George and Jane (similar)
Purple strapy sandals from DSW (similar)
cat eye sunglasses from OC Shades (similar)
Encanto blue tagua ring from DMAC giftshop
So, I'm on day 6 of my Jillian Michael's 30 Day shred. I am not seeing a lot of results, but I feel a whole lot better now than before I started working out and eating less/more healthy. I took the day off today, and I'm really excited about my 3 day weekend. It's going to be filled with a fashion show (hopefully), a lot of reading (I love my new kindle touch), and homework (which isn't that fun, but whatever).
These photos were taken about a week ago. It was too windy out so we didn't get a lot of good photos, but these will suffice. I am thinking about upgrading to a new and better lens. Of course the one I want is a little out of my price range (the 16-35).
I am in love with this vintage strawberry dress. I didn't want to overbear it with accessories, because it wasn't necessary! I mean, the print and the darling collar are just so fantastic! I felt so adorable.
Tell me about a dress that makes you feel adorable!