Loosely plaid







what i wore:

plaid top from Target (similar)
raspberry ankle pants from Target
ring from Vitae Design Collective (similar)
Blowfish Shoes wedges from DSW (similar)

I have been in love with comfortable clothes lately. I don't know what it is about a pair of bright colored pants and a loose top, but it makes for a great comfortable outfit any day!

So, this past Friday, I got to participate in RAW Artists. I didn't have time to plan and take any photos, but I know there were a lot of photographers at the showcase. So, I hope that I am able to gather some of those into a post to show all of you! It was such a great experience. I loved meeting emerging artists, and I made some really good connections. It was also just absolutely incredible showcasing my work to the public. I got a pretty good response and had some fantastic conversations with people about my work. It made me so happy! I would definitely do it all over again!

Have you been to a RAW Artists event!? What do you think?

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