Goodbye Koi Story

Hi all, I've decided to let go of Koi Story. I started a new blog though, and if you are interested, you can follow along here. It includes a little bit more of an explanation. - Meanz

Favorites Lately v3

This series of gifs. How The Face Changes With Shifting A Light Source. (Anyone know the source of this?)

This awesome image of geometric print/color mixing from All Knit Wear.

These are incredible portraits created out of wire mesh by Seung Mo Park. Click here to view more.

This Pizza Whipped illustration by Wish Candy

This beautiful photo of Audrey Hepburn.

Fashgif is one of my new favorite tumblrs. A majority of the gifs are just strange, but also funny and just plain cool.

Marcel the Shell with Shoes On. I know this has been up for a long time, but my brother just showed me recently! So funny. View the second one here.

This amazing screenprinted cat sweatshirt!

Alone in a Crowd Table by Rolf Sachs.

This upcycled apple computer cat bed from Atomic Attic! Love it.

This gorgeous vintage 1950s red lace party dress.

These adorable heart gloves from Yastik Izi.

Artist Spotlight: Wishcandy

Wishcandy aka Sashiko Yuen's style is a blend of kitschy, retro, hypersexual imagery. Most of the illustrations are done in muted pastel colors. I discovered her recently on tumblr and fell head over heels for her illustrations. On her website she describes her work as, "essentially a sassy candy-coated horror show. It's full of compassion, eroticism, violence, and the search for true freedom. Inspired by retro culture, street fashion, kitsch, beauty, and the grotesque."

I also am always really intrigued by artists' processes and it's nice to see other artists showcase how their work comes to fruition. Through her tumblr, you can see how ideas are sparked and where she gets her inspiration. It's really incredible, she's very talented, and seems so sweet!

Where else you can find her:


Denim and ikat









what i wore:
denim shirt from Gap (buy similar here)
ikat skirt from Charlotte Russe (buy here)
two tone circle sunglasses from OC Shades (buy similar here)
(my fave) black comfortable wedges from Blowfish Shoes (buy similar here)
black bucket bag from Forever 21 (buy similar here)
carved deer antler necklace from Inanimate Objects (buy similar here)
lipstick in Russian Red from MAC Cosmetics (buy here)

I absolutely adore my new denim button-up. I've been waiting one for so long now, but I could never find one that fit me the right way until now. I think it'll be a great staple in my wardrobe from now on because I don't think I will ever tire of denim. Also, this is the first time I've worn this ikat skirt, I'm not sure why, it's a great fitted skirt with a great summer pattern. It's been sitting in my closet for over a year now, but for some reason as I was buying my denim shirt I had this skirt in mind. I think that textures and colors work well.

So, today I went to the Des Moines Art Center with my friend Lauren, we wandered around checking out the various new exhibitions. I really enjoyed seeing Midwest Pressed's art on the walls too. I'm a fan of how they utilized screenprinting to create these colorful, fantastic works. I like the gesture line qualities and the layering effects they use. Also, I was really excited to see the new exhibition, Pyllida Barlow: Scree. I enjoyed the large sculptural installations that seemed to take over and engulf parts of the art center. I love the raw materiality and textures of the works. Just breathtaking. You can read more about the exhibition here.

I think, if you live in Des Moines, taking photos within one of the cairns is pretty cliche. This doesn't stop me from doing it of course. Anyways, this piece in the photos is called "Three Cairns" by artist, Andy Goldsworthy.

What would you wear with a denim button-up shirt?

How my art has been displayed v2



It makes me so happy to see how others display my art. This is the second edition in this series. The Untitled (quote) print along with another was traded to one of my professors in college. I love his work, and I was so honored that he wanted to do a trade with me.

The Katy Perry Beetle was and insect I drew to be a part of my senior thesis show. I posted it on instagram, and I think Abby fell in love with it. I really enjoy how instagram has allowed my art to be seen. She liked it so much she wanted it on a t-shirt. Now she's the only one that owns this t-shirt at the moment. She does a good job of styling it as well! Oh, did I mention she's an illustrator and has her own etsy shop that I love?

Artists supporting artists!

Eventually, I will post about my own art collection. I would like to get a little more art and have some things framed before I do though.

If you missed the first edition of this series, click here!


Untitled Mural in Des Moines












what i wore:
Thrifted vintage striped dress (buy similar here)
Emma t-strap flats in black c/o B.A.I.T. Footwear (buy here)
Revlon Lip Butter in Wild Watermelon (buy similar here)
double amethyst necklace from Inanimate Objects (buy similar here)
amethyst triangle ring from Moorea Seal (buy here)

I stumbled across this mural in a photo on instagram, and set out to find it with my friend Alex today. It is located near Mars Cafe in the Drake neighborhood (exact location here). This mural was created by Jordan Weber, a local artist whose work is rooted in social activism that is portrayed through the use of recognizable cartoon characters (read a great article about him on Gestalt Creatives here). Not only is his work aesthetically interesting, but it also opens up discussion.

Once again, I am so excited about the emerging public art lately in Des Moines (1, 2). Although, I read here that the mural is only temporary, I'm happy that it exists right now and I got the chance to experience it. I can't believe I didn't even know about it until recently when it was done  in 2011. Isn't that strange? Anyways. I hope to keep up more with public art, and hope to take more photos with everything I can! It's an exciting adventure.

So onto the outfit. I simply adore this vintage striped purple and gray puff sleeved dress. I picked it up thrifting one day and knew right away it would be a perfect light, airy dress for summer. I love the thin stripes and light gray. I've got to say, this lip butter is amazing. I like how it fades evenly and acts like a lip stain. It's perfect.

This day, I taught Alex how to sew a zipper pouch, we went to Drake Diner for dinner, I got the amazing veggie rarebit burger, crinkle-cut fries, and a strawberry milkshake of course. Then, we headed over to the Drake Neighborhood's Farmer's Market where I picked up some delicious cherries. After that we searched for the mural, found it, and spent a while there taking photos. Then we walked to Mars Cafe where I got some iced coffee, and headed to Creative Coldsnow to wrap up our day to look at art supplies where I bought a couple moleskin journals which I will attempt to use daily or at least weekly.

Other sources to check out:
Des Moines Greater Public Art Foundation
Street Art DM Blog
Jordan Weber blog
Gestalt Creatives

Thoughts about this mural? I would love to hear them.

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