I did a post about my trip to the Walker Art Center.
I finished my drawing on a lithography stone and I will be ready to print this upcoming Monday! I will post pictures of my proof(s) on instagram! The above image is not the final one, but pretty close.
I did a post about my purchases from the Mall of America. I've been rearranging and working on my tablet skills at my workspace at home.
My cats Arnold and Louie inspired a new part of my insect installation, rainbow cat. I think it's harmonizes well with the rest of the installation and I can't wait to see where it's going.
I've been dressing really cozy lately since it's been so cold. This photo was taken on the day where we had a huge winter storm warning, that turned out to not be so bad. Once again, Arnold has been hanging out in my favorite chair I've ever thrifted, right next to my workspace. I think that he likes being around the space heater, and of course sitting next to his treats!
I got a chance to catch the closing of the Jennifer Angus show, "Magpie Tendencies" at the Anderson Gallery at Drake and it was nice to hear her speak (via Skype) about her work! I especially liked her ideas about rehabilitating our thoughts about insects. I have been working on some hand lettering and have begun rendering it on the computer. I am trying out different things and just making parts for a big project for one of my design classes.
I got my hair up in a bun for the first time in a long while, ever since I got a bob. I've really enjoyed my stint with short hair, but I think that it is time for me to grow it out once again! I've really missed my long locks. Oh, and I also went to my first hockey game ever, and I really liked it!
I haven't done a post like this for a little over a year. Crazy! I think I may be bringing back this segment. I love recap posts and it has been a goal of mine to do more of them.
Have you done anything exciting this week!?
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