My family had a late Lunar New Year celebration, and these are the red packets I collected!
My boyfriend and I stumbled upon some girl scouts and of course had to buy some thin mints, our favorite. Also, putting them in the freezer is the best idea ever!

I caught little Arnold sleeping though me getting ready and leaving for classes in the morning. Usually he is already up or wakes up when I do and hangs out with me in the bathroom as I get ready. He was all tuckered out though, and must've been running around too much the night before!
I got to print six of my lithographs! They turned out really well. I am going to experiment and color over a few of them just to see how they look I think. It's strange, exciting and scary to be drawing over prints though!

As you all may know, I've been dabbling in hand lettering lately and here are some things I have been either perfecting or just practicing.

I got a couple free t-shirts at my internship this week, and this was my favorite one! It was one of the winners of a contest Paste hosted for local eatery, Zombie Burger. This artwork is a collaboration between two local artists, Josh Bowers and Van Holmgren. I love it! Also, screen printing is fun!
I drew this Thorn bug with oil pastels and chalk pastels. This insect is so unique and the coloring is fantastic. I'm excited to add it to my insect installation.

I've brought back my silhouettes! They have been sitting in storage for quite sometime now, but I would like to incorporate them into my senior show. I'm really excited about them. I've missed them so much!
It was a red kind of morning. I think I was trying to disguise the fact that I was sick. It worked for a while, but during class I just felt horrible, and well I've been sick ever since, but it's been getting better with lots of sleep.

Soup has been keeping me full while I've been sick, and this particular soup is my favorite ever out of a can!
This is a little sneak peek of a project I am working on to rehabilitate the way the people look at insects. I think it's going well. This ice cream cone is made up of wasps.

I had to take some photos of my lovely kitties. Arnold and Louie make my days happier and keep me company while I'm sick. It's nice.
I know I've been pretty M.I.A. lately, but with being sick, stressing out about everything, and a lot of other factors, blogging has been the last thing on my mind. I will have more content soon though! Don't give up on me yet.
I hope you all have been having a great week! I'd love to hear about it!
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